Saturday, May 9, 2009


Okay. I have been home all day. Which isn't abnormal for me because I am home body by nature. I have been adding music to a mp3 player, from a list that a friend asked me to put together. It's really interesting to see what other people's musical interest are. I just wanted to log on and write something because I haven't in a while. I wanted to address, something that has been on my mind a lot lately. Weight gain/loss. People are very insensitive to it either way. When I was younger and thinner I did the same thing but now that I am older and not so thin anymore it makes me hate some of those immature ways that I had when I was younger. I have been working out and I have lost a few pounds. I want to loose like 40lbs, everyone keeps saying I will no look normal "that skinny". All of the bad things that people say to me about my weight gain motivates me to be small and most of all healthier. I have noticed that people can be very mean and not even know it. I think that going through both thin and not thin makes me realize, that if God wanted us to be the same he would have designed us that way. I don't condone super skinny and I am really against obesity only because it's not healthy for anyone. If someone is a plus size and are healthy and happy, I say go for it. Well I have to get back to those songs, I have like a million songs to go. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where does the day go?

It's Sunday? OMG this weekend went by too fast. I can't wait until the day where I don't have to worry about the weekday/workweek. One day I will be able to do that. Once I win the lotto or once I start playing the lotto. I had to leave the house today to get batteries for the keyboard/mouse. So of course I went to Wallyworld. I decided to get a cd for a friend of mine, J. Holiday's second cd. Well they had one, the thing was all cracked open and broken. So I couldn't get that one, well I couldn't get anyone cause that was the last one. Just my luck. I didn't feel like going to another store because it's raining and I am trying to stay on somewhat of a budget. I don't know how well that's going to go but I am going to give it a shot.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Wow! I can't belive I actually did this. I mean got a blog for myself. I know not many people will read or want to read it. So this is kind of like my personal diary that everyone can read. Okay well I will just write two things that are on my mind currently. First of all it's about me. I don't like to be judged but of course that's how our society is now. We like to judge people for whatever reason. I am havinga battle within myself. I really need to lose some weight and so today I decided that I will give it my best to get to my desired weight. Not that I have a problem with my weight now, I just know that Iam not healthy. I really love food. I know that portion control, exercise, and cleaning eating is the way to go but when you are in the situation you are in you never want to hear those things. Thank god there is not miracle get skinny drug that I am willing or wanting to take. I know that I have to do this for m because I need to regain my personal happiness with me before I can allow others to except me for me.