Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hmm. Hindsight. "They" say hindsight is always 20/20. I am starting to think that's not always true. I am starting to believe that hindsight is the opposite of what actually happens. I have thought that hindsight is what should have actually happened but didn't, now I think that hindsight is what you thought would have actually happened. I have found lately the last couple of months reflecting on the past. I watched a movie called "Ghost Town" on Thursday and found that what the character said about the living holding on is true. Once something is over I should let it go and move on. It's always easier sad than done. I always tend to hold on too long and end up feeling bad because of something I thought I didn't do correctly or something that I did poorly. I know that I shouldn't feel regret about things but it's possible to feel that way once you have been away from someone or someplace that you miss for a long time. I have to seize that moment, that day; to be a better person and have a better life. So in the end is hindsight really 20/20 or is it an excuse to say, "yeah I messed up?"

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