Friday, June 1, 2012

Did you pray?

It's June already! I was suppose to have written at least 10 posts by now, instead I have written two posts. Life has a way of changing without your control. Many life changing things have happened to me within these six months. The year started off really well. February was a low month for me and work, and after that it just continued to decline. The most troubling thing that occurred so far is my mother leaving her earthly form on April 29, 2012. You never know how important a person is to you until they are no longer in your life. I hurt so bad. My everything died that day. So I am left to face the world alone. It's weird because I know we are suppose to bury our parents and this is the life cycle that we have grown to understand. I never liked death, it was always so final. Last night a friend text'd me and asked me if I prayed. I responded with I stopped praying on April 29, 2012. I still pray over my food and I kind of talk to God but I haven't prayed since I left the hospital where my mom was slowly leaving. Everyone around me is saying that things happen for a reason. It's God's will. So I am suppose to take that and be okay with it? I am suppose to say okay God my mom dead let the good times roll? Please! That's not how life works. I never thought I would be here at this moment wondering how and why my mother is not longer here. Not at this moment at least. So no I haven't prayed and I don't know if I really want to pray. I know one thin,g I miss and want my mother back. That's all. So where do I go from here? How I do I move on when I never wanted to be here in the first place. Life is cruel at times.

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