Sunday, February 27, 2011


It's 2011! Next year I leave Connecticut, I am so excited about that. I think not knowing where I am going gives me that excitement, but the anticipation drives me crazy. I have met a lot of wonderful people here many of them I hope to keep in contact some I could care less about. The thing that I have found myself needing is strength to go forward. I have had so many obstacles around me that each time I move ahead I am somehow pushed back, no matter how I have approached the situation there is someone always telling me that I am not good enough. "What?" Is my thought,then I think "you don't even know me", when I hear that. "You don't know my struggles and you definitely aren't helping me progress with those negative thoughts or actions". That's what I think. The negative people, their negative thoughts, the ones that tell me I can't, well those are the people that inspire me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


It's Sunday and it snowed last night. Yeah snow, only if I were in school and not a full time employee. Life is great of course, just a view things going on in my work life. After I posted my last post I questioned whether or not I would continue to share my thoughts online, with no one at the moment because I don't believe anyone is reading my message which is okay with me. Well anyway the snow blower guy is outside doing what he is suppose to do. I am getting ready go and do some laundry. I think I know what I am going to do once I retire which is in six years. It's kind of like a light bulb actually came on today while eating my bowl of Cheerios. I love it. Well it's shower time.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Who or what makes a person happy? I am pretty sure that you make you happy but we don't always think that. No one can do that but the person within. It starts first with you. Happiness.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


It's a new year, finally! Same me, that will never change. I have decided to upgrade some of me. For instance I think I will give love a real try this year. Not that the previous years I didn't try but the men in my life were just so subpar. This year however, I am actually going to give a damn about the things I say, do, and how I act. Well I am going to try. I am also going to be more committed to me. My betterment, my everything. In 2010 people told me what to do and it wasn't a bad thing but this year, I am going to run me and for the rest of my life, well until I pop out a few kids. Keeping in the tradition of resolutions, I have resolved not to make a real resolution why should I bother if I know I am not going to work on keeping it. I can honestly say that I will try to be a better person, love more, communicate better, remember things that are somewhat important and love ME! I am going to work out at least one extra day, stop wasting money on things that don't matter, and I am going to try and do something positive at least once a month (for me).
Also I finally finished with my bachelor's degree program. I am so excited. This was the one thing that I had to do for me. That was my one goal of 2010 and I did it. It's a silent victory for me because there is so much more that I want to do and yes I will do them all. Oh one more thing, I am going to try and write more, it's liberating. Have a great day and remember you control your path, light it however you need to but don't forget the road you travelled someone might need your light to guide them.