Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hello! So..I am obese according to BMI scale. Not a big deal because I know that I am somewhat over weight. I decided that this year I would eat greener and exercise more. So since January 1st I have been making green smoothies daily but lacked in the exercise department. I decided to go rollerblading today. I haven't roller bladed since I lived in Italy which was about 13 years ago. So today was the day that I decided to go and try it out. Mind you the last time I went rollerblading I fell and hurt myself. You know they say history repeats itself for a reason. Wow! So I go out real early so not everyone can see me hurt myself because I knew it was coming. There is about a 1.5 mile stretch of road from my house. I was going to go and come back, and I will say rollerblading is like riding a bike once you get it you got it. I was doing okay for the most part until I started going down a hill and thought how am I going to stop. Well the ground of course. I only had on my hand guards nothing else so when I landed, I landed head first. FACEPLANT!! My face has some road rash and my head got it as well. SMH I should have worn the helmet. Anyway that ended today's exercise session because I was a little dizzy and in pain. I will go again next Saturday after I get some roller skates. Happy January!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014

Wow! I made it through another year. How great is that? This year was extremely rough for me in many ways work, relationship, health, and emotionally. I would have to say I had more failures than successes in 2013. I hope that this year proves to be more uplifting and better overall than 2013. Sometimes suffering a lost made me want to stop and give up. I am not totally over not wanting to fight anymore sometimes it's easier to just not than to "do". I don't know at this point what really makes me tick so I guess that's why I continue on this crazy journey called life.