Sunday, August 30, 2009


It seems that I always post on Sundays, I got to stop doing that. Something has been eating away at me a lot lately. If I could figure out what it is, I would. I haven't. I don't even know how or where it began. I do know that it's starting to consume my thoughts. It creeps into my dreams and wakes me up and leaves me wondering what... I hate it, I hate that it takes over my mind and just attacks me. I think I need a new line of work. Something thoughtless and doesn't have much penalty if I make a mistake. I wonder. I think I am going to post tomorrow. I am going to try a new hobby, well try and start a new hobby. First I need a video camera...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crunch Time

Yup I had a date! Last minute of course, people don't seem to know how to plan much of anything these days. So there I was sitting at the computer (like always), and the phone rings, I run upstairs and there it was a call to go out that very day at 7:21 pm. I was in the for the day or so I thought. I begrudgingly said okay. Now mind you I was sitting at the computer in sweaty workout clothes and my hair was all over the place. He said what time will you be ready and I was thinking are you serious.....I choked out a time 45 minutes. That would be the shortest 45 minutes of my life. So I run upstairs to shower and wash my hair (it takes 1:30 minutes to do my hair normally). So I hoped out the shower and begin to blow dry my hair and I start sweating I think to myself what good is showering if you are going to sweat. So after I finish that I called and lied through my teeth to say I was ready but I am not I am actually naked as a jay bird. LOL! So anyway, I say yes we make arrangements and I am off on this date.....The date itself well it was okay.